Ch.4 Comfort

■3rd Person POV■

Another month has passed, Y/N and Kawanishi have gotten closer. Y/N tends to come to watch Kawanishi's practice and the two still hang out on lunch break to study or eat lunch together.

Y/N is picking up her stuff and putting it inside her bag when her pen rolls and almost fell, but Kawanishi catches it.

Kawanishi: here

Y/N takes the pen and puts it inside her bag.

Y/N: thank you Kawanishi san...

Just then Kawanishi notices something, Y/N has a bandaid on her fingers. Kawanishi takes her hand to see it closely, making the girl startled.

Y/N: K-Kawanishi san?

Kawanishi: what happened? You're hurt...

Y/N gently pulls her hands from him, doesn't know why the touch of his skin on hers making her nervous.

Y/N: ah it's okay... it's just uh from yesterday's club...

Kawanishi finally nods after Y/N trying to convince him that she's okay three times. They continue tidying up their desk, getting ready to leave the class.

They sometimes walk out of the class together, but sometimes they don't. Because not only with Kawanishi, Y/N is also getting closer to another person.

Nishimura: L/N...

Y/N and Kawanishi look at the door where Nishimura peeks and walks to their desk. He came with a smile on his face.

Nishimura: hey, wanna walk back to the dorm together again? I don't have councils activity today...

Since about three weeks ago, Nishimura started to ask Y/N to walk back to the dorm together with him. So whenever Nishimura has no activity, he will get Y/N to walk with him.

Kawanishi watches as Y/N looks startled and somehow confused. Before Y/N could answer he speaks.

Kawanishi: yes she will...

Y/N turns around to look at Kawanishi, he nods his head and takes his bag, walking to meet up his friends to go to the gym.

Y/N watches as Kawanishi's back moves further away from her. Something is tugging inside her chest.

Nishimura: L/N? Let's go?

Y/N: ah yes...

Y/N and Nishimura walk together to the dorm. Nishimura is talking about what will they do after high school and all, Y/N was listening until a while back then when suddenly her mind is interrupted by something.

Yesterday she has a club activity and then walks home with Nishimura so she didn't watch Kawanishi's practice. She remembers that today Shiratorizawa will have a practice match with another school.

Yesterday, on her club, Y/N made a good luck charm for Kawanishi and she forgot to hand it to him in class earlier

Y/N and Nishimura are already around the dormitory area when Y/N stops walking, making Nishimura looks at her.

Nishimura: L/N? what's wrong?

Y/N looks up at Nishimura before bowing her head.

Y/N: ah, I'm sorry I forgot I have something to do today... thank you for walking me back here... um you can go to the boy's dormitories, I'll take my leave... see you later Nishimura san

With that Nishimura watches as Y/N turns her back on him and goes away. Heading to the volleyball gym where the practice match is about to start.

Y/N wants to cheer for him, unconsciously wants to be there for him.

■Kawanishi's POV■

I look at the bleachers, the area where a certain (h/c) haired girl likes to watches our practice since about four months ago.

Of course, she's not there... she's with him...

I sigh and get up as Shirabu told us to get on the court as we are about to start.

We're lining up and greet our opponent and ref. In a minute we're probably starting but my head still hasn't completely focused on the game.

Shirabu: Kawanishi... you're totally distracted since earlier... you keep on glancing at the bleachers before we got into the court...

I look at him and look at my opponent again.

Am I that obvious?

Kawanishi: no, I'm good...

Shirabu: good my ass... well... now you should be tho...

Shirabu points at the bleachers, making me turns my head. My heart skips a beat the moment I meet eyes with (e/c).

Shirabu: now your lucky charm is here... so stay focus...

Why is she here? Wasn't she with Nishimura earlier?

I look at her as she mouth a "do your best Kawanishi san" to me. I wasn't well composed earlier but now, seeing her, I feel calm and focus.

I look at the opponents in front of me as my mind is no longer wandering around.

■3rd Person POV■

The practice match has ended with Shiratorizawa's victory. The other school team has left and now the Shiratorizawa's members are about to go back to their dorm.

Shirabu and Yunohama watch as Kawanishi picks up his bag and excuses himself. They knew where is he going and who will he see beyond that gym door.

Y/N is staring at the stars spread across the night sky. Kawanishi looks at his chair mate, quietly waiting for him while enjoying the night view.

Kawanishi walks closer and the girl finally senses his presence so she looks at his way. A smile appears on her face as she walks closer to Kawanishi too.

Y/N: Kawanishi san, you did great today... everyone did their best...

Kawanishi's breath hitches as he looks at the smiling girl in front of him that has been able to make him feel some sort of unfamiliar feelings.

Kawanishi: thank you... but why were you there? Weren't you going back to the dorm right after class?

Y/N: ah... that's.

Kawanishi stares as Y/N suddenly rummaging her bag, trying to find something and when she found it, she pulls it out.

A small lucky charm that was neatly made by Y/N, comes to view. The girl looks shy as she shows it to Kawanishi.

Y/N: when you tell me you're going to have a practice match... I uh decided to make a lucky charm... but I forgot to give it to you... that's why I came here..  and...

Y/N looks up at Kawanishi, how Kawanishi is so immersed in her eyes that reflecting the starlight.

Y/N: I... want to watch Kawanishi san play and want to cheer for you too... because you have been helping me with a lot of things... would you... accept this charm? Maybe it'll be a study charm now...

Kawanishi stares at Y/N. Each day passes since the two became even closer and Kawanishi doesn't realize that he's actually attracted to her. But now, he can deny things no more.

He reaches out and takes the charm from Y/N's hand and hangs it on his bag.

Kawanishi: Shirabu is right....

Y/N is confused and tilts her head a little

Kawanishi at Y/N and taps her head.

Kawanishi: my lucky charm really is here...

Y/N's heart skips a beat by the gesture. Though his hand is no longer on her head, Y/N could feel a tingling warm sensation from the spot where he touched earlier.

Kawanishi walks a few steps before looking back.

Kawanishi: come on, let's go back... I'll walk you to the girl's dorm...

Y/N nods and walks next to Kawanishi. As they head to the dorm, Y/N sometimes looks up at him.

Walking back with Nishimura makes her happy, but with Kawanishi, she doesn't quite understand what kind of feeling she has right now.

But there's one thing for sure...

She's comfortable when he's around her...


■Y/N's POV■

Another month has passed, it's our 7th month as Shiratorizawa's third-year students. Next month our school will hold the annual school festival to celebrate the anniversary.

My class will make a maid cafe and right now we're all deciding to make teams to do certain jobs.

Class Leader: okay now for the team who's in charge of buying supplies and keeping them... they're Hinano, Izumi, Joshikawa, Kawanishi, Miyano, and L/N.

Now every team is discussing what we will do and making the timeline.

Hinano: okay then, we will have the other division collect the list of what they need to us by Friday, and we will go to buy them on Saturday and Sunday...

Miyano: sounds good to me...

Everyone is agreeing with Hinano's Idea. After we finish today's discussion, we go back to our table and getting ready to go because school ended about 10 minutes ago.

Kawanishi: L/N...

Dub Dub

I look at my side where Kawanishi san is.

Kawanishi: wanna watch our practice?

Kawanishi san is looking at me and I feel my chest becomes tight.

Y/N: yes...

Kawanishi san and I walk to the gym and I watch as he plays along with his teammates.

They're all amazing but I can't keep my eyes from coming back to Kawanishi san. His face still shows his usual flat expression, but even so, I could tell how he's enjoying and doing his best with the practice as this will be his last year as Shiratorizawa's volleyball team member.

After the practice is done, Kawanishi san walks me back to the girl's dorm area. It's always been like this since I don't know when.

Whenever I have no club activity, I watch him practice and he walks me back. I'm getting more comfortable around him.

I look at his bag where the lucky charm I made for him last month is hanged.

Kawanishi: tomorrow we need to start asking what the decorating and clothing team needs... hft...

He looks like he's not interested but somehow it looks funny.

Y/N: I'm sure it'll be fun... I mean, we can go out of the dorm with some of our classmates...

We walk and talk about our class...

The walk is quiet but not too quiet...

When I'm with him...

I'm comfortable though we're in silence...


Never felt this way before...

The comfort that I feel when I'm with him...
